About Us
What We Offer
Welcome Friends
Join Us for Mediumship, Healing, Development and More

A Warm Welcome
You are always assured of a warm welcome in our Church with members of our friendly committee on hand to answer any questions you might have. Being a charitable organisation, we depend on your kind donations to help keep our doors open and to this end we do make a small charge to attend our Church Services.
Our Saturday evening Service is designated to visiting guest speakers (Mediums). The evening is dedicated to the passing of messages from our friends and loved ones in the Spirit World. They will bring forward pertinent information (Evidence) that life continues in the Spirit side of life. This may be names, places, memories, dates or anniversaries etc that may validate the information.
Our Sunday Divine Service has a slightly different format, in that the Guest Speaker, after the Opening Prayer and a Hymn, will proceed to give their Address (known as the Philosophy part of the service). This can be enlightening words of wisdom, that may be both uplifting and inspiring. This is followed by a demonstration of Mediumship and closed in prayer.
The Healing Service is held mid-week and is led by our trained and qualified Healers who channel the universal energy of Spirit to help alleviate all manner of symptoms. You are free to come along and feel the benefit of this wonderful energy (even if you feel perfectly well).
Alongside our regular Services we also have Specials. These may be extended Mediumship Services. We also run workshops and development classes for those aspiring to learn more about the amazing and wonderful work of Spirit and how to attune.
When that special someone passes over to the spirit world, we want to help you give them the best sendoff possible. That’s why we’re really pleased to be able to offer you memorial services, run by our wonderful mediums. You can get in touch with us here to find out more.
Of course, we also have our Tea Room for that all important get-together after the service, to discuss our messages over a cuppa and piece of cake.
Can We Help?
Interested in visiting or want to find out more?
Get in touch with us now and we’ll do our best to help.
We offer weekly demonstrations of mediumship and philosophy through our very talented mediums.
We run regular individual and group healing sessions during the week.
Our very talented mediums run regular development circles, to help you develop your mediumship skills.
We can help you pay tribute to that special someone with a personal memorial service.